Once you purchase a Trial Day you will be able to book onto whichever day fits around your work / life / family using our online booking portal. The school is open 365 days per year and we aim fly every day the weather allows.
Please contact us for further details.
Our trial days are very popular and are delivered in a tailor made format so you progress quickly and safely along a BHPA recognised training program. Our instructors will introduce you to the equipment and teach you how the equipment works on the ground before you move onto the next steps. Once you are confident on the ground you will move onto small hops from our smallest training hill where you will float a few feet above the ground before making a safe soft landing. The final stage is to complete a number of small flights from a larger slope to experience the amazing feeling of flying like the birds. Throughout the flight our experienced instructors will be watching you and in constant communication with you safely guiding you back down to earth.
Be warned, airsports are highly addictive! We often find that many of our Trial Day customers are hooked from their first flight and sign up for a course to become a solo pilot. Because of this, tasks completed on your Trial Day can count towards your Elementary Course if booked within 2 months of completing the Trial Day.
A paragliding, parascending, paramotoring and hang gliding trial day is spent learning about our sport and getting you ready for your first solo flights. They focus on having a lot of fun whilst keeping you safe as you make your first steps into the sky. They are perfect gift idea for that special someone or as a taster day before signing up for the Elementary Pilot and Club Pilot courses for the unsure would be pilot.
We are thrilled to partner with these amazing companies that support our passion for flight. Their commitment to adventure and excellence helps us soar higher every day!
All rights reserved. Green Dragons Leisure Ltd